Jun 4, 2010

Comics Techniques and Tricks: Gustave Verbeek

Welcome to another edition of Comics Techniques and Tricks, in which we showcase techniques that only comics can do! Click here for the archive!

Today's comics trick comes from Gustave Verbeek, who in the early 1900s drew The Upside-Downs of Lady Lovekins and Old Man Muffaroo!

The conceit of the strip was such that the first half of the story took place in the entirety of the page...

...and then you had to flip it over to read the second half!

Pretty cool, huh? Imagine making 64 of those!


RaceForTaste said...

SO COOL!!!!!

Peachy said...

Wow. That's incredibly painstaking work. The fact that he churned out 64 of them, though, may account for the fact that the story for this one seemed quite lukewarm.

Duy Tano said...

In my experience, writing the story to the dictates of your self-imposed stylistic format makes it harder than usual to come out with a story. I haven't read the others (this came from Art Spiegelman's In the Shadow of No Towers), so I can't comment on the literary quality of the feature as a whole. Still, when you're trying to invent a technique or trick, you can be rudimentary about it and hope that someone can use it to maximum effect later on. Unfortunately, as far as I can see, no one has.

Anonymous said...

I discovered Verbeek some weeks ago during a comics exhibition. He was a visionary, a pioneer.

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